
How to earn your badge

Depending on what you choose you will need to provide good evidence of your hobby – a set of photos showing items in your collection, for example, along with notes of where you got things from or the characteristics of the items. Reading is specifically included as a hobby, for this you will need to keep a reading diary with summaries of the items you read.

Tel us when you start your new hobby or interest and send updates from time to time so we can see you are continuing your interest.

The talk part we will do by video call.

Choose one of the two options below. Complete the tasks for your chosen option to achieve this badge.

Option 1 (doing something)

  1. Take up a hobby or interest that you do not already have an activity badge for.
  2. Keep a record of your hobby for at least four months.

Option 2 (collections)

  1. Make a collection or study of objects for at least four months. You could collect books or magazines, films, cards, key rings, figurines or similar.
  2. Talk to your Patrol Leader or your Troop about the collection or study you chose. Explain why you chose your objects and what you like about them.