Coronavirus programme

Click the corona to go to home scouting and OSM Badges at Home–>

Our plans

  • We will have a weekly challenge for you to do
  • We have picked badges that should work well at home
  • We will provide individual programmes to complete badgework, especially for those coming to the end of their scouting. Ask when you want one.

How it works

  • Check out the weekly challenge every Tuesday
  • Look at the pages for the badges (Home Scouting menu or click the corona) and follow the badge requirements
  • Send text, photos, videos back to us via OSM Badges at Home or email or WhatsApp (see right)
  • We are working on video conferencing and will invite scouts to take part in small-group work for specific badges and possibly larger groups too
  • More resources will be added to the various badges as time goes on

You can always ask!

Feel free to ask anything anytime. You can use email or WhatsApp. It’s better if you can use your parents’ accounts. If you use your own accounts we will copy parents in to all conversations.

Video conversations and safeguarding

  • When we have video conferences we will invite you to take part at a particular time
  • You will need a computer with a webcam
  • This should be located in a public part of your house, not your bedroom
  • If there is only one scout leader taking part then you will need to invite a parent or carer to be with you during the conversation
  • Use of language should be polite and respectful, just as in live scouting
  • If you have any concerns about adults’ behaviour online your contacts are acting Group Scout Leader Sarah Brandi (23rd Southgate, Thursday group) or acting Group Scout Leader Chris Kennedy (20th Southgate, Tuesday group), and District Commissioner Steve Smith.