
Make or decorate one or more articles using, whenever possible, original design ideas. It should take around six hours to complete the project.

How to do the badge

Come up with an idea and make it – taking photos as you go along.
Send these pictures as well as pictures of the finished article

Here are some items you could make:

  • A container using basket making, woodturning, pottery, embroidery on plastic canvas, glass blowing or fibreglass construction.
  • A belt, bag, wall hanging, tablemat or waistcoat by weaving, macramé, beadwork or from leather.
  • An item of clothing or soft furnishing, by sewing or knitting. You may follow a pattern.
  • You could decorate clothing or soft furnishing (such
    as a cushion or tablecloth) using embroidery, tapestry, lace making, tie and dye, wax and dye or fabric paints.
  • A picture, using techniques like mosaic, staining glass, quilting, calligraphy, pyrography, pressed flowers, fabric collage, printing with potato, lino, string, drypoint, aquatint or silkscreen.
  • Decorate a material (such as wood, metal or glass) by engraving
    or etching. You could even try painting metal with cold enamel.
  • Make a decorative item through candle making, arranging flowers, carving (using materials such as wood, slate, stone or soap), fly tying, jewellery making, pewterwork, copper or silversmithing, stone polishing, stone masonry or sculpture.
  • Make a small item of furniture.
  • Decorate a cake for a special occasion.