
How to earn your badge

For item 1 we will use our gardens at home. You should draw a map of your garden, with measurements, and show where different plants grow. AS indicated in point 2, you will need to write notes and take photos as well as making sketches and your map.

For part 3, do the research and write a report or make a video explaining what you have found.

Part 4 – When doing your research online you will need to record the URLs of the sites you visit. Click into the URL bar, do Control+A to select the whole URL, then Control+C to copy it, then click into your workbook (word processor) and do Control+V to paste it. We will a conversation by video to cover the rest of part 4.

Part 5 will be done by video conference.

  1. With appropriate permission, spend at least one day at one of these locations and investigate the wildlife and plants found there:
    • woodland or parkland
    • down land
    • moor land
    • seashore or sand dune
    • hedgerow
    • roadside verge
    • stream, river or canal
    • small pond
    • wetland or marshland.
  2. Tell a knowledgeable adult what you discovered. Show them your field notes, sketches, photographs or maps.
  3. Find out more about a plant, animal or particular wildlife from your chosen location.
  4. Discuss what you found out, giving sources for information from places like museums, field guides or the internet.
  5. Discuss how human activities or land management can affect wildlife.