Sports enthusiast

How to earn your badge

Parts 1 and 2 we can do by video conversation.

Part 3 – collect some photos and information about the personalities, champions, or other experts and send them to us.

Part 4 we will do by video conversation.

Part 5 – again, send photos and information.

Part 6 we will do by video conversation.

  1. Explain the rules governing your favourite sport.
  2. Describe the levels of achievement within your chosen sport locally, nationally or internationally.
  3. Show that you know some of the personalities, champions or other experts in your chosen sport. Explain how they might have inspired you.
  4. Talk about the equipment needed for the sport.
  5. Describe a recent major event, championship or landmark in the sport.
  6. Explain how you follow your sport. How do you keep up to date with developments?