Writer activity badge – Coronavirus theme

Creative and factual writing


In years to come you will look back on this spring and summer.

You may have good memories, you may have bad memories, but for sure you will have memories.

Keep a diary and write in it whenever anything interesting or unfamiliar happens. Add drawings. Include newspaper cuttings and any other things that might be interesting.

If you take photos and want prints we will make them for you (not millions!)

Plant a tree and write a poem

Coronavirus has hit travelling very hard and levels of pollutants have gone down.

After the Isolation it is likely that governments will invest heavily in fossil fuels to kickstart the economy.

Overall, the impact of coronavirus on climate change may be really bad.

One tree doesn’t absorb anything like a person’s carbon footprint, but every little helps, and lots of littles make a big difference

Which is how all that CO2 got there in the first place

At this time we would like you to think what kind of tree you will plant, where it will go, what it will look like, and what you think it will mean to you in 10 years’ time.

Think long, think hard, and write a poem at least 8 lines long.

And when the Isolation is over – don’t forget to plant your tree!!

Write a story or informative article

Think about something important to you – it could be a holiday, a friend, an activity you have done with scouting, and write a short story – real or imagined. You should write about 600 words.

The picture shows a page of single-spaced Times New Roman 12 point with the first 600 words of War and Peace.

If you do a fiction story and a factual article, that is two items towards your badge.
If we publish your story here, publication will count as one of the items towards your badge.

Other writing

Any other writing you do counts too – with a target length of about 600 words. You could write a recipe for your favourite dinner with thoughts about why it is your favourite, what it reminds you of, and why you like it.

The kind of writing you choose is limited only by your imagination!